Friday, December 14, 2018

Double dip

Hi stitchers, thank you for all your comments and your well wishes for my dad.
He's back home but still unwell. Christmas is a bad time to be sick with everyone going away on holidays. What can you do.

It's been a busy week for me so very little in the way of stitching.

Over last weekend I stayed with forever and ever

Here before

And by Monday I think.

Like I said not much.

Monday or Tuesday I made my 2019 plans, changed all my project bags and such.
I also wanted to stitch a mermaid. You know when you get a feeling that you want to stitch a subject or a designer. 

I started Sea Flora by Nora Corbett
Fabric 32ct evenweave Rainbow ocean by sew it all
Sadly I was so tired by the end of the day, that not much was done on her.
Evenweave is harder to stitch on when tired then Aida I found out this week.

Here's the photo of what she will look like

And the very small start.
You don't see how gorgeous this fabric is as it has a bit of a rainbow on it but I hope, as I stitch her it will show up for you.

Because I was so tired and busy a lot this week. 
I didn't stitch Wednesday and not much the rest of the week, but I went back to something easy my forever and ever. 

Here's what is looks like now

This week I think I will have more stitching time and not be soooo tired.
I got my app wheel to pick and it did Renaissance mermaid so that's what I'm going to stitch today.

That's it until next week, happy stitching!!!


  1. Mermaids and blue seem to be your thing at the moment, and both are lovely. Hope you get in lots more xxx on your current WIPs. :)

  2. No this time of year is not a good time if there is any to be sick. Hope he gets well very soon. Love your new piece. I swear fabric colors never show up right for most pieces.

  3. Nice start on Sea Flora. Lovely fabric too. I hope you get extra stitching time this week and get some rest too. Hope your dad is feeling better.
    xo Alicia
