Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Making up my mind!

Hi Stitchy friends how's your week going so far?

This is what I've been up to.... 

There's been times when I didn't want to stop stitching on a project and just get it done. I don't know. 

I'm feeling 3 ways about my rotation right now. 
1. I like/most of the time stitching everyday on a new wip but
2. I feel if I stay with a wip I will get it done sooner and a few I want to stay with and finish.
3. I like just posting once a week but if I keep the rotation that's to much.
 If I stop then I can go back to it just being Sunday's. Which I like.

What are your thoughts? 

Do I keep the 14 day rotation or do I just stitch on what I want to that week?

As I'm writing this I think I will keep going with this week as I only have 4 more in my 14 Wips and next week go back to my stitch what I want for as long as I want. Ya I like that idea. Go back to only one post a week and maybe get a few finished and work more on my pirate to get her done too.

That's what I'm going to do...

Here's my stitching...

Spring topiary garden by Mirabilia 

And now

Treasures of the deep Sal 

I worked a little on the border 

And stitching in quilt

Not as much done as a book I've been waiting for finally came out. 
Read in one night. Only a short story. Part 2. It wasn't as good as part 1. Now I'm having to wait for part 3 who knows how long. Don't you hate that.

That it for stitching for now.

My giveaway is now closed!!! In the next day or so I will do a post for it. Find out who wins.
Thank you everyone that went into it.

Until next time happy stitching!!


  1. We stitch to make ourselves happy so do whatever feels good. x

  2. Great progress!
    You stitch whatever strikes your fancy. For me, I have a tendency to get bored and lose my stitchy bug, so if I'm on a rotation and feel like the bug is leaving me, I will switch to the project I want to work on the most to try and keep it around longer.
    Everyone is different, so you do what is best for you! Every post with progress is appreciated, so don't feel that you have to have huge amounts to show. Even the smallest bit is still progress.

  3. At least well done for trying a rotation! Stitching is ultimately about the fun in the journey, so you have to do what you are comfortable with and if that's stitching on what you want for how long you want then go for it! :)
