Friday, December 27, 2013
Sunday, December 22, 2013
Stitch From Stash 2014
Hi, I was looking to join a online stitching group next year and let me tell you there's a lot.
The only one that made me jump up and down so far is the one going at
Epic Stitching by Mel is going to start Stitch from Stash and I love this idea.
I so need to save money next year and like many of us we have more stash then we know what to do with, or even have time to stitch it all. I hate to know just how much money I did spend this year on my stitching with charts, DMC and Aida. So this so works for me.
# Get a $25 Budget a month, it can roll over if you don't use it.
# Post and let Mel know by 28th every month
# Gift are Exemptions which is good to know.
# Stitch only from your Stash (easy for me right now)
So If you to want to join go to Epic stitching for all the details before 2nd January 2014 .
See you all in the new year!!!
Happy stitching
Sunday, December 15, 2013
I have been stitching a page of Fairy wishes but it's slow going, I have stitched maybe half a page so far. Most of the top has been Kreinik. I don't think the photo shows it well.

For the last 2 days I've been stitching a cute little stocking It's from a old cross stitcher magazine and has a lot of fractional stitches but I love how it turned out and by getting away from fairy wishes I got my stitching bug back. Funny how that happens at times.
My mum has also been busy with her cupcakes I just had to show you.
Are they cool or what...
And what is christmas without a tree...
So I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and I hope you all have fun over the holiday.
Thursday, November 21, 2013
Monday, November 11, 2013
Emerald Mermaid
Hi all, Sorry It's been a while posting, it's been busy.
I would like to take the time to say a BIG thank you to Monique from cross stitch ramblings for telling people about this blog, it was such a nice thing to do, so thank you and if you have not seen her blog yet you need to go now, right now!.
So I've been stitching a little here and there and I got Emerald Mermaid all done, yay.
Before I show you the photo's, I would like to say I've made a few changes.
I mis counted two times and when I found out it was too late or I just did not what to go back and fix it, so I just made it mine. I don't think you can tell unless you know the chart really well. It still works and I think it still looks good.
Another change I made was her hair, when I did the beads I did not like it, I think it was too over the top so I took most of the hair beads out and filled in with the dark brown and I like it better this way.
So now the photos:
Just the Mermaid
With the seaweedHair with the beads
Hair without the beads (much better)
Total all done
So I hope you like her and I'm now onto the next, I just don't know what it will be yet.
Happy stitching!!!
Wednesday, October 16, 2013
QS Opal Fairy
Hi 1st off I would like to thank you for your good wishes for my birthday. I had a good day and got lots of nice things. I thought I would share with you one I got from a friend. It's a long stitch white tiger that she did for me. Sorry about the photo it's the best I could because of the glass, but you still see it.
Now for my stitching: I've been working on QS Opal Fairy Page 2 of part one in the cross stitching mag. Have you seen the movie Ever After with Drew Barrymore? I'm asking because as I was stitching this page it popped into my head. Maybe it's just me.... I thought I would take 2 photo's.
And last I would like to wish you all a happy halloween for 31st Oct.
Wednesday, September 25, 2013
Early Birthday Present
Hi, As heaven and earth had a sale and my birthday is 5th Oct I got a few charts early from my family. How great are they!!!
Here they are:
Mini Sea of Roses. I LOVE this one
Mini Sanctuary
SK Lavender Breeze
SK Crimson Glomour
How lucky I'm I. Happy stitching!
Friday, September 20, 2013
Emerald Mermaid
hi, this is so far what I have stitched. I'm only doing the cross stitch part right now, then I will do the backstitch and beads. I also only used one strand on the kreinik thread as I hate working with two strands of it. It's the dark green bit, photo does not show it that well. I think it still works out.
I'm getting there as you can see.
I've been reading or playing a few new games on my iPad and not stitching much.
Just a note with the lovebirds cross stitch I did, when it's framed it will be without the photo of my bird, after a few days of thinking about it I thought it was a bit too much. I still miss him but ya. So it will be in the finished page soon.
Happy stitching!
Thursday, September 12, 2013
Hi, Yes I started 2 more, so I've been stitching:
Qs April Fairy, by heaven and earth. I fell in love with her like so many did. This is page 5 I've been stitching and I love the blue's in her eye. See pic below. She is on 18 count Aida off white. This is also what she will look like when I get her 12 pages done.
And next I've also started Emerald Mermaid by Mirabilia Designs. She looks a little funny right now as she has no hair or much of a face. Hope the pic is ok. She is stitched on 16 count Aida called honeysuckle. I hope she works out with this fabric. It's what I will be working on in the next few days as she is calling me more then the fairy right now.
Happy stitching!!
Thursday, August 29, 2013
Sad Week
For anyone who has a pet or is a animal lover, to lose one is heartbreaking.
My Charlie
On 20th August my love bird charlie died. He was my baby. We have a avery in the backyard and I saved him from being killed by the other birds, he did not know how to fly back then. He lived in my bedroom and would wake me up with his chirping and make lots of noise with his toys when it was time to go to bed until I turned out the light. He loved to play ball with a little cat toy, pushing it around on the bed. He would wag his tail when happy and loved to fly around and he loved to cuddle into you.
I miss him.
A year or so after getting him I went to a craft show and found The Omnibook Of Exotic Pets. Back then I also had fish. There is a chart on love birds that I was always going to stitch, but like you do I forgot about it until now. So to always rember my mate I've stitched it and when I get it framed I will put this photo below with it, it the only good one I have of him. You don't think to take a photo of a bird, even if he means a lot to you.
Goodbye Charlie.
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Page 1 Mini Pirate
I thought I would never get this page stitched. Worked on it all week. 3 pages down out of 12. She is getting there.
Happy stitching.
Sunday, August 11, 2013
New Progress Page
Hi just wanted to let you know about my new page.
I was going over my cross stitch and found one's I had started ages ago and forgot all about. I'm sure I'm not the only one this has happened to. I thought if I put them here in my blog, I will get around to doing them. LOL or not we will see. So many I want to stitch and so little time. Happy stitching!!
Friday, August 9, 2013
Hi, It's taken me a week to do this (been a busy week) it's a banner by Joan elliott and it's a gift. Hope she will like it after I get it framed. I changed a few colors but I think it looks ok.
I have also been getting the things I need to stitch Mirabilia's Emerald Mermaid so hope to start it soon. Happy stitching!!!
Friday, July 26, 2013
Craft & Quilt Fair
Hi, Yesterday I went to the craft and quilt fair that is on in the city until 28th July. It's the only craft fair I have gone to over the year's but Melbourne has 2. I don't go every year but this year I saved up for it as I have the cross stitch bug big time.
So want did I get:
1st I would like to say all the fabric I got are from Sewitall, they were so nice and helpful that when I got charts I went back to them. A link is on the left.
As soon as I got there I got fabric for a few Heaven and earth charts that I have:
Faces of faery 164 Got 18 Aida off white
World of the sea turtles got 18 Aida Green
QS april fairy got 18 off white (she is now really to stitch as I also have the DMC)
And I've put in a order and paid for 18 Aida swallow opal for my chart Pocket white tiger
So looking around and not in any order of who I got them from this is what I also got charts too
All are Mirabilia Designs in this photo
The south seas mermaid and 16 Aida Bottlebrush
Mermaids of the deep blue and 16 Aida Mist forest
Emerald Mermaid and 16 Aida Honeysuckle
The Queen Mermaid and 16 Aida Azalea
Kits are
The Fairy and the dove
Fall Fairy
Woodland Entrantress
Chart's and fabrics as I did not want to use what was with them
Santa with 16 Aida snowflake sparkle
Mom and me butterfly with 16 Aida blue
Lilac fairy with off white 16 Aida sparkle
And I got a little bit of other stuff that is not cross stitch.
So I think I did very well.
Now I know I told you I was stitching Fairy wish's and I did a little but the pirate was calling my name so I've been stitching page 1 only it's not there yet. I was hoping to show you when I did this post but it's not to be.
Now I have so much to stitch and so many on the go already I think I will see after I've done page 1 of the pirate as I'm so close. What will it be next, a old one or new......
Happy stitching!!!
Saturday, July 13, 2013
Little Birdie
Hi, I just had to take a break on fairy wishes/Qs Opal Fairy to stitch this little bird that was with a cross stitch mag I got.
Happy stitching!
Friday, July 5, 2013
Angel's And Fairy's
Hi, Well I've had enough of the angel for now. Lots of half stitch and I was getting sick of it. She is looking good I think. I will get back to her soon. Here is a pic so far.
So I've got a new start. It's a heaven and earth that was in The world of cross stitching mag. They call it fairy wishes and I'm going to keep the name. Here is what she will look like. I have just started her so it might be a while till my next post, when I get a page done.
I really have to stop with the new start's and stitch what I have going.
Happy Stitching!!
Saturday, June 29, 2013
Blog List
Hi As you can see I've now put all the blog's a love to look at on my blog list. I love seeing what other's are stitching. I even go looking for more.
I've asked every one on my blog list if this is ok. I think it's nice to let them all know and to ask. If it was me I would like to be asked.
If it's not ok that I have put your blog up here I'm very sorry and I will take your blog off as so as I can.
Happy stitching
Wednesday, June 26, 2013
Oh Angel
Hi, Thank you for your kind words. I'm happy you like my cross stitch as I love showing what I'm working on, so thank you.
Rose Petal Angel: oh boy... I had to send away for more thread as I've run out. It's what I hate about doing a kit. The thread is custom dyed so I can not go out and get dmc that will fix it. It always happen's to me with most kit's I do. It's a pain let me tell you. So right now I can still stitch her but not the angel's other arm. Most of her is half stitch so the green of the Aida has come though a little but I think she still looks ok.
I had just stitch the angel's head when my mum saw her and said she will have it when I'm done stitching her. I told her maybe we will see as I might keep her I don't know yet. My mum love's angel's and I have stitch her one a few year's back. I think she will end up with it lol.
Here is what I've done so far:
Happy stitching
Monday, June 10, 2013
Lots Of Photo's
Hi, After doing the Storykeep I sent away for the supplies I need to stitch Qs April Fairy and another one. So while I wait, I started to stitch Mini Pirate again, until I got bored with it. Pic is of page 1, what I have done of it anyway.
So after getting bored I went thou the stitching kits I have and found Rose Petal Angel and it's what I'm now doing until the nice post man give's me my supplies. Here is a pic of a arm and I'm just starting her face now. She is the last photo, what she will look like only I'm using green Aida. Which I think looks good so far.
I've also been a bad girl again with the heaven and earth 50% sale so here is what I got:
Dreams Of Atlantis
QS Jeweled Mermaid
QS Peridot
QS Sapphire
QS Pearl
QS Little Bud
Faces Of Faery 164
QS Spring Luna
What do you think?
Well back to the angel. Happy Stitching
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