Saturday, July 8, 2017

QS April Fairy

Hi stitchers 

I have page 6 QS April Fairy all stitched up. I love her blue eyes.

Thanks for your comments she has been a nice stitch so far but I thought page 6 would never end.

I've been watching a lot of flosstube as I stitch her, I've never watched it before and there's so many. Who do you love/like to watch? and I will look them up. 

So here she is, I really like how she looks so far.

That's all of row 2 done.

I don't know if I will keep going on page 1 or do something else.
Happy Stitching!!!


  1. She looks so pretty! I´m almost ready to start mine :)

  2. She is looking so beautiful, April Fairy is one of my favs of Hannah's. I love watching floss tubes where the stitcher is just stitching and there is a bit of background music. I also like watching vids that demonstrate a particular technique like parking. I don't watch ones where it's basically a video blog.
    xo Alicia

  3. She looks so pretty, great work!
    I don't watch any flosstube, staying with the blogging community! Wouldn't have time left for stitching otherwise ;)

  4. Stunning stitching, well done on getting the row finished.
