It's been hard without my dog Zac. All the little things. Like the door bell, it was never used until now. I'm still watching were I walk around the house as he use to be right in the middle of a room and you always had to step over him. I''m still walking and so many people have asked me where my dog is and it's like who are you yet they know Zac's name. I'm sick of people asking me when we are going to get another one. It's tooooo soon people.
Cross stitch has helped in a big way for me.
i've been stitching A Chaffinch In Summer and got it all done and even framed.
Before the backstitch
All Done and with beads
I also got my wip The Good Life out and finished it. It's been a Wip for about a year. I''m going to put it with a photo of Zac that I love.
Where I stopped stitching it
Before backstitch
All done
So now it's getting framed.
All the above was 14ct fabric so when I started stitching the PR Sal Steps 10 and 6 it was weird,
18ct is so small after 14ct, it took time to get use to again.
Again no beads yet.
It was also my birthday on the 5th October and as it was only 5 days after Zac...... I did not feel like doing anything but I did get same very nice gifts.
# Money
# Chocolate
# Pandora bracelet and the 3 charms
# Secondhand book by Joan Elliott one I don't have so that was cool
# And I got a chart I've been after for many years it's called Once bitten and if I had the money I would buy everything for it and start as soon as I could. Maybe next year.
Soo even thou it was/is a sad time I did very well for my birthday.
Before I forget I did not spend any money for stash.
Being October I would also like to wish everyone

Happy Halloween! And that's it for this post.