I would like to thank the 3 lady's who helped me find a new place for threads and beads.
I went with 123 stitch and hope I get them in the mail soon.
So I'm still stitch the queen mermaid and here is a update on her
I'm hoping to stitch her over Easter. I want to move on to A Stitch In Time but right now I'm staying with my queen.
I was thinking the other day as I was looking at a few blogs that we show our stitching but not what we use. Eg type, size of frame if we use one. A few charts I see like the huge heaven and earth ones I would love to know how people handle all the fabric.
So I ask you out there on your blog if you have one to take a photo of your frames with your stitching and also how you hold them if not by hand. Pass the question along on your blogs?
If you ask me I would say most of the time i use my hand to hold and stitch, I used to use a frame for the small ones but now I don't. For a really big heaven and earth one like a stitch in time I'm using a big frame here is a photo, it needs a like fix and then I hope to stitch again on it.
It's not a great photo but you get the idea.
Happy Easter and I hope you find lots of time to eat chocolate and stitch! Look forward to seeing how you all stitch.